Message received - the previous download procedure was too clumsy. Application deployment has now been switched across to Microsoft "ClickOnce". There are a few differences worth noting:
1. Installation is direct on some machines, where clicking on the (blue) link in the download section leads directly to an "Install" button option. However, on others this is not allowed and the only option is to save the file "SigmaPipe.application" on your computer. In this case save it first, then locate it (in your downloads folder) and double-click on it. The rest is automatic.
2. When the application starts it will automatically check if an update is available. If so, it will offer you the option to update the application. If you decline it will not offer this particular update again.
3. If (for any reason) you are not happy with an update you have just accepted, you can easily go back. Go to (control panel) uninstall, and there you will have the option to either uninstall the application or roll back to the previous version.
For those of you who have already installed using ClickOnce, please be patient while the system settles down. Up until the end of January 2014 there may be a few more "meaningless" updates - this is part of the testing process. Thereafter, updates will be accompanied by a version number increase. The SigmaPipe Version Log (under the Admin section on the main menu) will also explain what has changed.