SigmaPipe Software Download Instructions (Windows 7/8/10)

1. If you have installed any version of SigmaPipe before, ignore this step.  If not, you will probably first need to download and install "Microsoft XNA Framework Redistributable 4.0" - this is a package that tells your system how to handle 3D objects. Click here then download and follow the prompts to install.


2. Click here to start the SigmaPipe download using Microsoft ClickOnce - follow the prompts.  [On some systems the only option will be to save the file "SigmaPipe.application".  If this happens, download it then locate it in your Downloads folder.  Double-click on it, then follow the prompts.]   With ClickOnce, each time the application starts (if there is an internet connection) it is able to check for an update - this will ensure the user always has the latest version.

Note: Windows Defender SmartScreen has recently become more aggressive at blocking applications it does not trust (including apps using Microsoft's own ClickOnce distribution system). In the past SigmaPipe was not signed and sometimes it was blocked completely.  Starting with V3.5, it has a Comodo code signing certificate.  This has changed the reported threat warning level from "red" to "yellow". 


For some reason it is still necessary to click "More Info", then "Run Anyway" to get it to load.  Please note this is a general issue, and many software distributors are frustrated with Microsoft over this.


If automatic updates are not important (or if ClickOnce as described above does not work) there is an alternative - use a SigmaPipe.msi installer.  Click here to start the msi download. Once it has completed, locate SigmaPipe_3_9.msi in your Downloads folder and double-click on it to begin the install process.  Windows SmartScreen Defender will probably require you to press "More Info" and "Run Anyway" to complete installation. SigmaPipe updates will not come through automatically if this approach is used.


 3. On completion you should see SigmaPipe on your desktop, and also in the programs list - you are now ready to go. To check, start the application and (after accepting the license terms) click on the small checkered flag (top, left) then press "Go" - you will see a simple 3D pipe plus orifice pipeline.

If nothing happens when you click on the icon, check your programs list to see if "Microsoft XNA Framework Redistributable 4.0" is present.  If not, download it as per step 2 then try again.


4. The default project folder location is on your desktop (it will be created automatically the first time you click on the checkered flag icon). If you have a prevously created SigmaPipe project folder somewhere else, you can change it back at any time. To do this, click on the top, left-most icon "Folder Location" and set it to your original SigmaPipe Project folder location.


 5.  Training material (see the table below) is in the form of 14 "bite-sized" modules.  Click on a module to download it as a PowerPoint file.  Start with Module #1 to get going (as a new user), then download and flick through Module #2 for a general impression of available features. The rest of the modules are worked examples - select as appropriate for what you need.


 6.  In the unlikely event that you get a Windows error message such as  "SigmaPipe has Stopped Working", please refer to slide number 90 in the reference manual (Training Module #2) "Getting Out of Trouble".


Description Training Module PowerPoint File           
 Video Link
Training Module 1 ΣPipe_V3.7_Training_Module_1_Quick_Start.pptx
Training Module 2 ΣPipe_V3.7_Training_Module_2_Reference_Manual.pptx
Training Module 3 ΣPipe_V3.7_Training_Module_3_Critical_Flow_Orifice.pptx Tutorial 3
Training Module 4 ΣPipe_V3.7_Training_Module_4_Water_Flow_Control_Valve.pptx Tutorial 4
Training Module 5 ΣPipe_V3.7_Training_Module_5_Water_Pump_Characteristics.pptx Tutorial 5
Training Module 6 ΣPipe_V3.7_Training_Module_6_Heat_Exchanger_Fouling.pptx Tutorial 6
Training Module 7 ΣPipe_V3.7_Training_Module_7_Compressor_Aftercooling.pptx Tutorial 7
Training Module 8 ΣPipe_V3.7_Training_Module_8_LP_Air_Distributor.pptx  
Training Module 9 ΣPipe_V3.7_Training_Module_9_Two-Line_Fire_Water_System.pptx  
Training Module 10 ΣPipe_V3.7_Training_Module_10_Light_Hydrocarbon_VLE.pptx  
Training Module 11 ΣPipe_V3.7_Training_Module_11_Refrigeration.pptx  
Training Module 12 ΣPipe_V3.7_Training_Module_12_Multiline_Fire_Water_System.pptx  
Training Module 13 ΣPipe_V3.7_Training_Module_13_Heat_Exchanger_Types.pptx  
Training Module 14 ΣPipe_V3.7_Training_Module_14_User_Modified_Fluids.pptx  
Structural Items S1 ΣPipe_V3.7_Training_Module_S1_Structural_Items.pptx